“The best day to start something is the day you want it.”
Lara Casey
I posted this quote almost 2 months ago. I was very motivated and excited to work on ME, and I did. I was changing many aspects of my life, especially my mind and my way of looking at myself and treating myself. However, life usually has its own plans, and I don’t know if it was precisely because of this shift in mindset, or pure coincidence, but the universe brought me one of the best gifts ever: a new job.
This job has given me a new outlook and purpose in life. Every day, I get to interact with people who make me feel like my opinions, my knowledge, my expertise MATTERS. There is no better feeling than feeling USEFUL for someone else. After being at home for 10 1/2 years, I had lost that feeling, and I think that’s what was making me feel sad, and even depressed.
Of course, because of that, I lost track of all the personal goals I had set for myself. Not because of lack of motivation, but because of lack of time. Remember, for the past 10 1/2 years, I had created my own schedule, and now that I am go go go for the entire day, at the end of each day, I am exhausted, mostly mentally. I collapse in bed each night with a smile on my face. I’m tired, but happy-tired.
Now that a new year is starting, and that I’ve had about 1 1/2 months to settle into my new normal, I think it’s time to renew my goals, and to incorporate them to my new routine.
My word for 2022 is ME.
That’s right, I’m focusing on myself this year. I need to make sure that all of ME is balanced:
- my job
- my family
- my friendships
- my health
- my hobbies
- my environment and surroundings
- my body, my mind, my soul, my heart, my ME
Here are some of the goals I wrote down then, which are a great starting point:
- daily yoga (even 5mins of breathing or stretching)
- daily photo (of anything – may or may not be posted here)
- transition to vegan/vegan-ish diet (or at least do my best, gradually)
- exercise (whatever, something)
- journaling (I’m reading up on journaling for mental health)
- do something each day to love and appreciate myself (taking a course, meditating, reading something that helps me, coffee with a friend, using that beauty mask that has been staring at me, something, whatever)
Will this be the time that I really stick with it? Do I really WANT it this time? I don’t know, only time will tell. I’ve already told myself about 1,463 times that “this is the first day of the rest of my life”. But considering that each day is literally the first day of the rest of my life, I feel like I have nothing to lose except not even trying.
So here I go. Again. Wish me luck.
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