This quote by Lara Casey has stuck with me for months. I have been in a rut for the past few years, trying to get out of it unsuccessfully. I have started new goals SO. MANY. TIMES. But I couldn’t stick with it. I always blamed external sources or my own circumstances, but the truth is that I didn’t really WANT it. Like really want it. So yesterday, on November 1st, I sat down and wrote some goals. Not too crazy, but something. Here are some of them:
- daily yoga (even 5mins of breathing or stretching)
- daily photo (of anything – may or may not be posted here)
- transition to vegan/vegan-ish diet (or at least do my best, gradually)
- exercise (whatever, something)
- journaling (I’m reading up on journaling for mental health)
- do something each day to love and appreciate myself (taking a course, meditating, reading something that helps me, coffee with a friend, using that beauty mask that has been staring at me, something, whatever)
Will this be the time that I really stick with it? Do I really WANT it this time? I don’t know, only time will tell. I’ve already told myself about 1,463 times that “this is the first day of the rest of my life”. But considering that each day is literally the first day of the rest of my life, I feel like I have nothing to lose except not even trying. So here I go. Wish me luck.
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